[squid-users] AUFS vs. DISKS

FredB fredbmail at free.fr
Wed Jul 15 11:35:14 UTC 2015

> Just use fast separate physical devices on separate controllers - and
> all will be ok without any delays.

Of course, with this kind of load without separate disks Squid dies after some minutes :) 
I'm using separates drives with noatime file system and I never found a way to (completely) remove warning message from aufs  

I'm making a test just now

Diskd, 600 r/s, squid CPU usage = 40 %, load average 1, no warning in cache/kernel/syslog logs
Aufs, 600 r/s, squid CPU usage = 45 %, load average 3, many 'Queue congestion'

And no gain for hits % of all requests and bytes sent from squid cache

Squid 3.4.13 and Debian 

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