[squid-users] 3.5 cache and “only-if-cached” directive was specified.

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Mar 11 23:48:51 UTC 2015

On 12/03/2015 9:22 a.m., Tory M Blue wrote:
> Wondering why I'm getting this error, what config param am I missing?
> I have 1 parent, 2 squid servers configured as siblings for each other
> http_port 80 accel vhost
> cache_peer apps-preprod.domain.net parent 80 0 no-digest no-query
> originserver no-netdb-exchange
> cache_peer cache01.pp.sv.domain.net sibling 80 3130 no-digest
> no-netdb-exchange

These siblings use ICP protocol to check if the other proxy has the
object. That protocol only uses URL and fails if the response uses Vary
mechanism from HTTP/1.1.

Its better to use HTCP protocol between the siblings so they can cope
with variants and other HTTP/1.1 things better. For that you need the
"htcp" parameter on the cache_peer line, maybe Squid to be built with
--enable-htcp, and htcp_port and access controls to be configured.


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