[squid-users] Squid + ShadowSocks

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sat Jul 20 14:39:25 UTC 2019

On 19/07/19 1:35 pm, M. Anwer Ali wrote:
> Hi,
> I have attached current setup of squid in the attachment. All the HTTP
> traffic is passing through squid. We are mostly using is for Web
> Filtering and its working fine.
> Now we have a new addition to this setup, where we have installed Shadow
> Socks server at a remote location. Now we want squid to be working as it
> is working now, but if the end-user is opening a specific website lets
> say (abc.com), it should be forwarded to Shadow Socks server and from
> there to internet. If the end-user is directly connecting to ShadowSocks
> server (through SS client application) everything is working fine but
> then squid in not involved in it. So i want all the traffic to first go
> to squid (as in current scenario), then squid should see if the
> requested Website in abc.com, then it should forward it to ShadowSocks
> first and then shadow socks will send it to internet, and it takes same
> path on its way back(SS>Squid>Enduser)...
> How can I achieve this...

To communicate with SOCKS servers Squid needs to be custom built with
SOCKS support.

See the 'existing state' section of


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