[squid-users] Squid + ShadowSocks

M. Anwer Ali anwer-ali at live.com
Fri Jul 19 01:35:52 UTC 2019


I have attached current setup of squid in the attachment. All the HTTP traffic is passing through squid. We are mostly using is for Web Filtering and its working fine.
Now we have a new addition to this setup, where we have installed Shadow Socks server at a remote location. Now we want squid to be working as it is working now, but if the end-user is opening a specific website lets say (abc.com), it should be forwarded to Shadow Socks server and from there to internet. If the end-user is directly connecting to ShadowSocks server (through SS client application) everything is working fine but then squid in not involved in it. So i want all the traffic to first go to squid (as in current scenario), then squid should see if the requested Website in abc.com, then it should forward it to ShadowSocks first and then shadow socks will send it to internet, and it takes same path on its way back(SS>Squid>Enduser)...

How can I achieve this...
Attachement Link:http://prntscr.com/oh2jch

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