[squid-users] filtering HTTPS sites with transparent child Squid

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Mon Nov 27 10:30:08 UTC 2017

On 27/11/17 21:20, Stegner, Martin wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I’ve set up a Squid as a transparent child-proxy. Every request is 
> redirected to another Squid with the content filtering add-on 
> e2guardian. I encounter the problem that the transparent child Squid 
> only forwards IP-Addresses to the e2guardian when HTTPS is used and so 
> e2guardian cant filter anything because it can only filter by URL.

A good demonstration of why calling a URL-rewrite helper a "content 
filter" is completely wrong.

Real content filters receive the actual content and can filter it. ICAP 
and eCAP exist for that and get passed the decrypted HTTPS messages (if 

> Here are some parts of the config:
> http_port 3130
> http_port 3128 intercept
> https_port 3129 intercept ssl-bump cert=/etc/squid/cert/squid.pem
> ssl_bump splice all          (if I use any other option than splice 
> nothing works for some reason)

Splice tells Squid to not decrypt. Thus no content access on those 

> cache_peer parent 8080 0 default no-query no-digest
> Is there any possibility that the transparent child Squid forwards the 
> URL tot he main Squid proxy?

It already is passing what it has. "The" URI of the message being 
processed happens to be an authority-form URI. see 

.. and also;

* Squid requires a secure server connection to deliver decrypted content 
to. So the cache_peer needs to have the 'ssl' option and be accepting 
TLS proxy connections to receive anything other than the spliced traffic.

* The CONNECT message has to complete and the TLS inside it decrypted 
before any URL with "https://" scheme is known. When bumping to do the 
decrypt the above criteria applies.

* HTTP/1.1 connections contain many pipelined requests. So there are 
potentially many https:// URLs involved inside the crypto - it is not 
possible to know in advance of decryption what those might be.


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