[squid-users] Strange warning - squid 3.0

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Mon Jun 29 09:11:02 UTC 2015

On Monday 29 Jun 2015 at 09:55, Fiorenza Meini wrote:

> Hi,
> I see this error when I restart squid service:
> please, what does it mean:
> WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree
> searching predictable ?

It means that squid is going to ignore the address in order to 
ensure that searching the splay tree remains a predictable process.

> Below there is the warning that is reported
> Shutting down WWW-proxy squid 2015/06/29 09:19:10| WARNING:
> '' is a subnetwork of ''
> 2015/06/29 09:19:10| WARNING: because of this '' is
> ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
> 2015/06/29 09:19:10| WARNING: You should probably remove
> '' from the ACL named 'VBC'

Show us, at the very least, the definition of this ACL, plus any other lines 
which refer to any addresses starting with 192.168.100

Even better, show us your squid.conf, after removing blank lines and comments, 
and possibly obscuring any private details.

The wording of the above warning makes me wonder whether you have defined a 
network range using an address from inside that range rather than the base 
network address (eg: instead of



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