[squid-users] Strange warning - squid 3.0

Fiorenza Meini fmeini at esseweb.eu
Mon Jun 29 08:55:27 UTC 2015

I see this error when I restart squid service:

please, what does it mean:
WARNING: because of this '' is ignored to keep splay tree 
searching predictable ?

Below there is the warning that is reported

Shutting down WWW-proxy squid 2015/06/29 09:19:10| WARNING: 
'' is a subnetwork of ''
2015/06/29 09:19:10| WARNING: because of this '' is 
ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2015/06/29 09:19:10| WARNING: You should probably remove 
'' from the ACL named 'VBC'
2015/06/29 09:19:10| WARNING: '' is a subnetwork of 
2015/06/29 09:19:10| WARNING: because of this '' is 
ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2015/06/29 09:19:10| WARNING: You should probably remove 
'' from the ACL named 'VBC'

Thank and regards

Fiorenza Meini
Spazio Web S.r.l.
V. Dante, 10
13900 Biella
Tel.: +39 015 2431982
Fax.: +39 015 2522600
Numero d'Iscrizione al Registro Imprese presso CCIAA Biella, Cod.Fisc.e 
P.Iva: 02414430021
Iscriz. REA: BI - 188936 Cap. Soc.: €. 30.000 i.v.

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