[squid-users] rejecting CONNECT if Proxy-Authentication header is sent but not required

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Oct 12 11:42:40 UTC 2022

On 11/10/22 18:31, Ole Craig wrote:
> I would like to configure Squid with a set of allow-listed domains such 
> that unauthenticated CONNECTs to sites within those domains succeed, 
> _unless_ the following conditions are met:
>   * if a client preemptively sends a Proxy-Authenticate header anyway,
>     without first receiving a 407

FYI this requirement (taken by itself) would break HTTP authentication. 
There are many ways for a client to learn that authentication is 
required, some of them are out-of-band and cannot be known by the proxy.

>   * _and_ that header is invalid (bad username/password, unsupported
>     authN method, &c),

... this requirement makes the first requirement irrelevant. Invalid 
credentials are *always* supposed to be rejected with 4xx regardless of 
whether the client has been seen before or not.

Just use the normal recommended authentication access check(s):

  # the usual security protections...
  http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_Ports

  # require valid credentials
  acl auth proxy_auth REQUIRED
  http_access deny !auth

  acl whitelist dstdomain ...
  http_access allow CONNECT whitelist


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