[squid-users] about Kerberos Auth and LDAP Auth

squid3 at treenet.co.nz squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Tue Jun 8 09:44:36 UTC 2021

On 2021-06-08 16:05, m k wrote:
> hi all,
> Thank you for always helping me with my difficulties.
> With your help I am able to complete the proxy. Please help me again
> this time.
> I want to configure my squid authentication as follows.
> Try single sign-on for squid with Kerberos authentication.
> Squid will try authentication with LDAP.

Please be aware these are three very different *types* of thing.

  * "Single-Sign On" is just means that the client re-sends the *same 
credentials* to all types of service. Any auth type can be "single-sign 
on" if the client supports it, and this has nothing to do with the 

  * Kerberos is an authentication mechanism.

  * LDAP is a database management protocol (like SQL).

> Unfortunately, when Kerberos authentication fails, it retries Kerberos
> authentication.
> I want squid to work so that if Kerberos authentication fails, it will
> try LDAP authentication next.

"LDAP authentication" does not mean what you think.

What squid.conf settings do you have?


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