[squid-users] Testing eCap module

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Sun Jun 6 14:39:22 UTC 2021

On Sunday 06 June 2021 at 16:09:24, Ben Goz wrote:

> I have an eCap module code that should block traffic on certain cases
> and passthru traffic on other cases.
> What is the most easy and efficient way to test that module's code is
> working as expected?

1a. Test some of the cases where traffic should be blocked, and make sure that 
it is.

1b. Then test some of the cases where it should be passed through, and make 
sure that it is.

2. Tell us what "certain cases" and "other cases" are, so that we might be 
able to think of some other way of testing whatever it is you're trying to do.

Summary - the more information you provide, the more readily we can help.


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