[squid-users] 4.1 exception PageStack.cc(106)

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Tue Aug 7 17:04:41 UTC 2018

On 08/08/18 04:30, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On 08/07/2018 08:01 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> On 07/08/18 04:53, Heiler Bemerguy wrote:
>>> Em 06/08/2018 13:39, Amos Jeffries escreveu:
>>>>> cache_mem 5500 MB
>>>>> cache_dir rock /cache2 130000 min-size=1 max-size=196608
>>>>> cache_dir rock /cache3 130000 min-size=196609 max-size=624288
>>>>> cache_dir rock /cache4 130000 min-size=624289 max-swap-rate=500
>>>>> swap-timeout=500
>> The number of slots these cache_dir require is 0-800 million, 800-1600
>> million, and 2.4+ billion.
> What makes you think that? AFAICT, all three cache_dirs have the same
> 130'000 MB size and, hence, each requires 8'320'000 default 16KB slots:
>     130000 * 1024 / 16 = 8320000

I was working from the number slots needed to store the files Squid is
going to try to put in there (the 2^27 sfileno).

You are right, its the other way around.

Do you have any idea then why the cunt of used slots should be over 2^32
? the exception being encountered is thrown when used slot count (an
int) exceeds the value of largest available slot index (an uint32_t).


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