[squid-users] How to setup squid as reverse proxy to intercept Office365 traffic

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Thu Sep 7 10:21:22 UTC 2017

On Wednesday 06 September 2017 at 19:34:15, SShukla wrote:

> * Why do you want to set up a *reverse* proxy for Office 365 traffic? *
> We need to use reverse proxy to direct the traffic going to Office 365
> through an ICAP Server.

I still don't understand why you think this needs to be a reverse proxy rather 
than a standard forwarding proxy.

> While trying to configure Squid to do so, we have encountered a few issues,
> for example: since Office 365 has an IP range, one of the issue is to
> figure out the IP used by Office 365 which can then be specified in squid
> configuration

Well, quite.

A forwarding proxy wouldn't need to be configured with this information.


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