[squid-users] Fwd: [Squid-3.5.20]Squid transparent proxy http/https without client site config

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Nov 24 13:27:26 UTC 2017

On 25/11/17 02:04, minh hưng đỗ hoàng wrote:
> Dear Squid-users,
> I want to setup a Squid proxy in transparent mode http/https traffic 
> without any config in Client site.
> I use Squid 3.5.20 on Centos7.I just install squid with default feature 
> as *yum install squid.*
> *
> *
> I just do that , but i have some problem with my output logging in 
> access.log .
> Specifically, my access.log only show ip_address_server:443 instead 
> domain name of destination server like that :
> *1511525732.912    206 TAG_NONE/200 0 CONNECT 
> *
> *
> I know that i take some mistake in my squid.conf . But i can't find out 
> how to fix it. Could you please show me how to improve my squid.conf .

You configured "ssl_bump none all".

"do not use these with Squid-3.5 and newer"

Use this instead:

  acl step1 at_step SslBump1
  ssl_bump peek step1
  ssl_bump splice all

There should be two log entries per HTTPS connection. One before peek 
happens with raw-IP:port details. And a second one after peek which may 
have a _server_ name (*not* domain name) if and only if the client sends 
TLS SNI extension data.


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