[squid-users] squid with sslbump blocking Netflix

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Wed Mar 2 19:51:50 UTC 2016

>On 02/03/2016 21:09, Yuri Voinov wrote:
>>Nobody can fight SSL pinning in proprietary apps.
>>The only way I see is to put Netflex under splice ACL and do not do SSL
>>bump for all Netflex CDN.

On 02.03.16 21:19, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
>In some places the law can prohibit the usage of pinned certificates.

and in some places neflix can refuse to provide services...

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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