[squid-users] Youtube "challenges"

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Thu Feb 25 02:33:41 UTC 2016

Hey Steve,

I have not reviewed every product but I have tried couple and these I 
have tested do not have a really good system that filters YouTube videos 
the way I would have imagined.
I have not tested your product... and I was wondering if the next URL 
will be filtered by you software in some way?


I have seen couple pretty really amazing filtering ideas but each has 
it's own limits. For example it is possible to analyze every in-transit 
image and video+audio and categorize them which actually is a great 
solution for many but the Achilles heel is there always.
Some filters has higher false positive rates while others has less but 
leaves the user in abyss after reading a weird faked ransom malware JS page.

I am not sure if Darren requires a very restrictive environment or not, 
which will result in the use of something like url based filtering or a 
local portal.

If there is a requirement for a local playback of YouTube videos rather 
then a filtering solution I would try a simpler solution.
An example to such would be a local hosting service with some kind of 
simple html5 or flash based player. It's far more simple then doing all 
sort of weird things with YouTube links as embed inside an iframe.

I have seen examples of couple projects that gives a full local video 
library platform which is far better then YouTube for many use cases but 
I have never used any of these. I have worked with couple html5 and 
flash based video players and it actually pretty simple to use them with 
any normal browser.

I cannot really recommend my simple videos collection 
page[http://ngtech.co.il/squid/videos/] as a tempting and a good looking 
example but it can give something to anyone that needs.


* Darren, Take a glimpse at these ideas:
- http://blog.plumi.org/
- http://cumulusclips.org/
- http://mediadrop.net/
- http://demo.softaculous.com/enduser/index.php?act=software&soft=435
- http://www.netup.tv/en-EN/open_source.php
- http://www.cubiware.com/cubitv-iptv-middleware/

On 24/02/2016 11:59, Steve Hill wrote:
> On 23/02/16 05:01, Darren wrote:
>> AI am putting together a config to allow the kids to access selected
>> videos in YouTube from a page of links on a local server.
>> I am serving up the YouTube links in the <iframe> format that is used
>> for embedding and they play embedded on a page from a local server.
>> The issues is that YouTube is "doing the world a favor" by enforcing
>> HTTPS connections from within the code it services into the iframe so I
>> can't see anything that goes on and need to allow CONNECT to YouTube via
>> squid or I don't get any video.
>> I want to make sure the kids don't stray out of the selected library and
>> I don't want them being able to go onto https://www.youtube.com (the the
> Two options:
> 1. Use the Google Apps / YouTube Restricted Mode integration.  There's
> some info here:
> http://www.opendium.com/node/46
> https://support.google.com/a/topic/6206681
> 2. SSL bump the connection and do some slightly painful real-time
> analysis of the data.
> For what its worth, we sell filtering systems to schools across the UK
> and as far as I know, our product is the only one available that can do
> the latter.
> See: http://www.opendium.com/node/41

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