[squid-users] (about external_acl_type problem ) two people can't login and access internet together

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Mar 18 10:58:28 UTC 2015

On 18/03/2015 10:04 p.m., johnzeng wrote:
> Hello All
>          if possible ,please give me some advisement , thanks 
>  Whether ttl=50 (value) is too low , Maybe i will update ttl value to
> ttl=3600 cache=1048576 .

Whatever. You know better than anyone else about that decision.

> i have a question still , Whether cached results for external_acl is
> reponse from helper program ?


> for example :
> if FORMAT is %SRC , and helper progrm return "OK\n" ,
> and external_acl_type tell squid to cache suitable %SRC ( for example :
> client is ,and will cache into Cache valued )

The %SRC format is the cache key. The "OK" is the value cached for the
key "".

Whenever "" is looked up the stored value for it may be used
instead of calling the helper again.

> if helper progrm return "ERR\n" ,
> won't cache any value or cache src ip into cached negative valued ...

"ERR" is a successful "negative lookup". The negative_ttl=N value
applies to how long those get stored.

Squid default is to store both positive (OK) and negative (ERR) results
for the same TTL.


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