[squid-users] Which DNS to use

TarotApprentice tarotapprentice at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 15 12:56:30 UTC 2015

I have around 25 client machines, so not quite "home" sized, but not big either.

I did try both the routers IP address and the ISP's advertised name servers. Speed-wise they seemed about the same. I'm on a DSL connection which says its link speed is 16Mbit down and 1Mbit up.

----- Original Message -----
> From: Antony Stone <Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it>
> To: TarotApprentice <tarotapprentice at yahoo.com>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, 15 July 2015, 0:55
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Which DNS to use
> On Tuesday 14 Jul 2015 at 13:59, TarotApprentice wrote:
>>   I have a domestic DSL router/firewall/wifi
> If, by "domestic", you mean something serving a home network with a 
> very small 
> number of users (eg: up to 10), I would say it doesn't really matter.
> If you just mean it's one of those all-in-one devices, but you're 
> serving a 
> network with a decent number of users on it, then...
>>  When configuring squid should I refer to the routers IP address for
>>  DNS, specify the one(s) the ISP providing or use alternative ones (like
>>  the examples in squid.conf). Is there a recommend way?
> I would suggest installing a simple caching DNS server on the Squid box (with 
> a root zone file, such as is standard with ISC BIND) and let it do its own 
> lookups / caching.  Point your internal clients at it as well as Squid itself.
> If you point Squid at the router IP, that's almost certainly just a (non-
> caching) forwarder to your ISP, so it's less efficient than pointing at the 
> ISP directly, and pointing at your ISP will be marginally slower and less 
> efficient than running your own caching DNS server.
> However, depending on your network bandwidth and number of users, you may not 
> be able to tell the difference (the lower both these numbers are, the less 
> likely you'll notice anything by running your own instead of just pointing 
> at 
> the ISP).
> Regards,
> Antony.
> -- 
> "A person lives in the UK, but commutes to France daily for work.
> He belongs in the UK."
> - From UK Revenue & Customs notice 741, page 13, paragraph 3.5.1
> - http://tinyurl.com/o7gnm4
>                                                    Please reply to the list;
>                                                          please *don't* CC 
> me.

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