[squid-users] Tracking down cache MISSes

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Feb 25 03:30:31 UTC 2015

On 2015-02-25 05:31, Greg wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> so, there's my proxy problem I couldn't crack, even after spending
>>> 2+ days tweaking-googling-debugging. :(
>>> The problem: my _new_ Squid installation (Ubuntu 14 LTS with Squid
>>> 3.3.8) won't cache most pages the old Squid does (old Fedora with
>>> Squid 3.1.15).
>> Both versions are antique.
>> Man, you change one rancid meat to another rancid meat.
>> Just FYI - current Squid version at least 3.4.12. Oh, this branch is
>> already deprecated... shit, current version is 3.5.2!
>> This must be your starting point.
> Thanks for your comment. Please note that this version is what's
> supported by Ubuntu LTS for the next 5 years. This happens with all
> packages - LTS maintainers choose a stable version and merge security
> updates into it, so it stays secure and needs no config updates for 5
> years. This is just we need, and it has worked well for Ubuntu 10
> (squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.6 is still being supported until this
> April!), but it has EOL now and we have to upgrade.

And these types of problem are the cost. Ubuntu and other distros 
providing long LTS support choose not to backport bug fixes *unless* its 
a security fix. That is their choice, and your choice to accept by using 
their distro version.

For the record this appears to be bug 3806 which was fixed in 3.3.12 
just over a year ago. 3.3.8 is just too old by ~4 months.

> I'd very much like to stay inside this safe zone with our servers. I
> understand that others might not do so - please understand some people
> do though.


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