[squid-users] Been a long time....

David Hughes david at oldcolo.com
Fri Oct 31 01:52:39 UTC 2014

Used to install squid years ago for some projects.  Squid is an old friend.

Question, and beg pardon if I skew terms.

Say one has a DSL line into a home that connects to a wireless router 
that ends up with many devices connected to it.  Laptops, desktops, 
pads, phones, network capable DVD players, etc etc etc.  A lot of 
circuits get created and funnelled out through the DSL router.  The 
service provide sees this and implements throttling of the network 
service.  We can see measurable dips in the service based on the traffic 

Can Squid, does squid help this situation?  As in devices connecting to 
a Squid proxy server and creating what the service provider sees as ONE 
stream, instead of many?  Reducing the throttling potential?

I know I have framed this awkwardly but hopefully this gets the idea 
across.  Can anyone offer and answer and correct my conceptions about 
how IP traffic works?


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