[squid-users] [External Sender] Re: Squid service not restarting properly

Vivek Saurabh (CONT) vivek.saurabh at capitalone.com
Fri Sep 27 11:50:35 UTC 2024

Hi NgTech,

I can restart the service wuth user and group being root. However, while I
try to start using user as apdpr01 and group as root, it is getting timed
out and not giving any errors. Can you please advise on this?

Also, what the ./configure structure should be to compile the binary?

Vivek Saurabh
*Slack*:  #uk-monitoring
*Confluence*: UK Hawkeye

On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 4:18 PM Vivek Saurabh (CONT) <
vivek.saurabh at capitalone.com> wrote:

> Hi  Eliezer,
> Thanks very much for your response. I was able to install squid-6.10
> successfully but faced the same issue to restart the service. Our use case
> is that we have a local user(apdpr01) and group (apache) to start the squid
> service. Also, we have to ensure that our configs point to
> /opt/apdpr01/squid. So I copied the file from /etc/squid/ to that location.
> And now I can't start the service and facing the same issue which I
> mentioned above.
> *Regards*,
> Vivek Saurabh
> *Slack*:  #uk-monitoring
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__uk-2Dcapitalone.slack.com_messages_C1RKDQQP5_&d=DwMFaQ&c=pLULRYW__RtkwsQUPxJVDGboCTdgji3AcHNJU0BpTJE&r=jZzF16B18ffwFjVReS2YMC0P6NDjsTfMSyQrlO4-Xmv-UTpaabu3Aw621hS1I9de&m=cXBmr6YoL9IRSpKGQ3xf_iyupbval3SQ8WBOhiIZU2o&s=WRluoib3Nxx0CXtqWVFhzsJUHaHVbaaBZ4R-KJFLsws&e=>
> *Confluence*: UK Hawkeye
> <https://confluence.kdc.capitalone.com/display/UH/Creating+a+story+for+the+UK+Hawkeye+Team>
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 1:41 PM NgTech LTD <ngtech1ltd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Vivek,
>> I am maintaining the CentOS and other RPM based distribution RPM's.
>> The page you are looking for is:
>> Squid on CentOS | Squid Web Cache wiki (squid-cache.org)
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wiki.squid-cache.org/KnowledgeBase/CentOS__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!M9-bJnHnfaKI-nSo2pFeKOEWEGIe5cO6rJdwymRTxIJ5KxtDEaZE53-1Av0gb9jBQE8cxRdSnGKkvdbII7Gt1I7tmw$>
>> if you need a rpm specifically For RHEL I will need to spin my VM for
>> that late on.
>> I believe that rocky and alma should be compatible to RHEL so you can try
>> the rocky or alma repositories I am publishing and then give us a feedback.
>> Take a peek at what Distributions I currently support:
>> Index of Repo (ngtech.co.il)
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ngtech.co.il/repo/__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!M9-bJnHnfaKI-nSo2pFeKOEWEGIe5cO6rJdwymRTxIJ5KxtDEaZE53-1Av0gb9jBQE8cxRdSnGKkvdbII7FugVHrLA$>
>> Specifically what you are probably looking or is:
>> Index of X86 64 (ngtech.co.il)
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ngtech.co.il/repo/rocky/8/x86_64/__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!M9-bJnHnfaKI-nSo2pFeKOEWEGIe5cO6rJdwymRTxIJ5KxtDEaZE53-1Av0gb9jBQE8cxRdSnGKkvdbII7E_Bz7nkg$>
>> https://www.ngtech.co.il/repo/rocky/8/x86_64/squid-6.10-1.el8.x86_64.rpm
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ngtech.co.il/repo/rocky/8/x86_64/squid-6.10-1.el8.x86_64.rpm__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!M9-bJnHnfaKI-nSo2pFeKOEWEGIe5cO6rJdwymRTxIJ5KxtDEaZE53-1Av0gb9jBQE8cxRdSnGKkvdbII7H0qUML5w$>
>> https://www.ngtech.co.il/repo/rocky/8/x86_64/squid-helpers-6.10-1.el8.x86_64.rpm
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ngtech.co.il/repo/rocky/8/x86_64/squid-helpers-6.10-1.el8.x86_64.rpm__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!M9-bJnHnfaKI-nSo2pFeKOEWEGIe5cO6rJdwymRTxIJ5KxtDEaZE53-1Av0gb9jBQE8cxRdSnGKkvdbII7HhNGmzVg$>
>> My RPM's is separated into two parts ie squid and squid-helpers and you
>> should probably install both.
>> You can download them and use dnf or yum localinstall
>> ./squid-6.10-1.el8.x86_64.rpm ./squid-helpers-6.10-1.el8.x86_64.rpm
>> However just first on rhel 8 based distributions disable the squid module
>> so you would be able to install the packages without any hiccups.
>> Let me know if it resolved your issue (remember to backup the config and
>> cleanup the systemd and other squid related file before installing the
>> pacakges.
>> Yours,
>> Eliezer
>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 10:35 AM Vivek Saurabh (CONT) <
>> vivek.saurabh at capitalone.com> wrote:
>>> Hi  Eliezer,
>>> Thank you for your reply. I am trying to install it in a RHEL8 server
>>> and I have self compiled it taking reference from the doc -
>>> https://wiki.squid-cache.org/KnowledgeBase/RedHat
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wiki.squid-cache.org/KnowledgeBase/RedHat__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!M9-bJnHnfaKI-nSo2pFeKOEWEGIe5cO6rJdwymRTxIJ5KxtDEaZE53-1Av0gb9jBQE8cxRdSnGKkvdbII7Ezrdysog$>,
>>> however, this hasn't been of much help to start the service properly. I
>>> downloaded the tar.gz file from
>>> https://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v6/squid-6.9.tar.gz
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v6/squid-6.9.tar.gz__;!!FrPt2g6CO4Wadw!M9-bJnHnfaKI-nSo2pFeKOEWEGIe5cO6rJdwymRTxIJ5KxtDEaZE53-1Av0gb9jBQE8cxRdSnGKkvdbII7G3kpOihg$>
>>> and placed it within the server, unzipped it and executed ./configure
>>> command with the options.
>>> *Regards*,
>>> Vivek Saurabh
>>> *Slack*:  #uk-monitoring
>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__uk-2Dcapitalone.slack.com_messages_C1RKDQQP5_&d=DwMFaQ&c=pLULRYW__RtkwsQUPxJVDGboCTdgji3AcHNJU0BpTJE&r=jZzF16B18ffwFjVReS2YMC0P6NDjsTfMSyQrlO4-Xmv-UTpaabu3Aw621hS1I9de&m=cXBmr6YoL9IRSpKGQ3xf_iyupbval3SQ8WBOhiIZU2o&s=WRluoib3Nxx0CXtqWVFhzsJUHaHVbaaBZ4R-KJFLsws&e=>
>>> *Confluence*: UK Hawkeye
>>> <https://confluence.kdc.capitalone.com/display/UH/Creating+a+story+for+the+UK+Hawkeye+Team>
>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 10:32 PM <ngtech1ltd at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey Vivek,
>>>> What OS are you using?
>>>> Did you installed squid from the OS repository or you self compiled it?
>>>> With more details we might be able to help you understand what to do.
>>>> Eliezer
>>>> *From:* squid-users <squid-users-bounces at lists.squid-cache.org> *On
>>>> Behalf Of *Vivek Saurabh (CONT)
>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 24, 2024 2:35 PM
>>>> *To:* squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
>>>> *Subject:* [squid-users] Squid service not restarting properly
>>>> Hi Team,
>>>> I have installed squid -v6.9 but the service is not restarting using
>>>> the systemctl command. However, when I run this only with the execstart
>>>> line in the service script, it works fine. Can you please advise me on this
>>>> issue?
>>>> *Regards*,
>>>> Vivek Saurabh
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