[squid-users] Squid service not restarting properly

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Tue Sep 24 12:28:19 UTC 2024

On 24.09.24 12:35, Vivek Saurabh (CONT) wrote:
>I have installed squid -v6.9 but the service is not restarting using
>the systemctl command. However, when I run this only with the execstart
>line in the service script, it works fine. Can you please advise me on this

This is too broad definition of a problem.
The main problem can be that squid has 30-seconds delay for shutdown 
(configurable by shutdown_lifetime) so its restart may take more than 30 
system might not like this.

- what is the output of "systemctl status squid" ?
- what is in the squid's cache.log, any error?

- why do you restart squid service, isn't reload enough for you?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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