[squid-users] Squid returns a lot of ABORTED in access log and user navigation speed slows

Jonathan Lee jonathanlee571 at gmail.com
Wed May 15 17:15:56 UTC 2024

Have you researched enabling pipeline_prefetch??

> On May 14, 2024, at 17:56, Andre Bolinhas <andre.bolinhas at articatech.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Sometimes my users complains that the internet navigation thought Squid is very slow.
> After checking the access.log, I can see a lot of ABORTED messages like this
> 1715537802.589      2 NONE_NONE_ABORTED/200 0 CONNECT api.telegram.org:443 - HIER_NONE/-:- - mac="00:00:00:00:00:00" accessrule:%20global_whitelist%0D%0A exterr="ERR_CLIENT_GONE|WITH_CLIENT"
> 1715537183.180  99993 TCP_MISS_ABORTED/000 0 POST http://pjcpd-dlpend01.hlbank.my/GECommunicationWS.asmx - HIER_NONE/-:- - mac="00:00:00:00:00:00" accessrule:%20global_whitelist%0D%0A exterr="ERR_CLIENT_GONE|WITH_CLIENT"
> I have imported the access.log into my ELK machine and I can see that during the time that the users complained about the slowness there is a huge spike of NONE_ABORTED messages.
> https://i.postimg.cc/6QR79GWk/6e727e86-de3d-4f3b-bd9e-04c04052ca2e.jpg
> Now my question is:
> 1. What can cause this kind of issue? It's a squid server issue, network (firewall, switch, router, …), or client?
> 2. Why the number of NONE_ABORTED requests is almost 4 time more than normal request?
> Best regards
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