[squid-users] Squid 6.6 shows configuration failure: requires TPROXY feature to be enabled by ./configure

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Thu Jul 18 13:14:44 UTC 2024

On 2024-07-18 00:25, Jonathan Lee wrote:
> How do we enable tproxy in Squid 

> 2024/07/17 21:22:41| Processing: http_port tproxy ...
> ...
> 2024/07/17 21:22:41| ERROR: configuration failure: requires TPROXY feature to be enabled by ./configure

As strongly implied by the error message, TPROXY support has to be 
enabled by using Squid ./configure parameters (among other things). 
Running ./configure --help does not, unfortunately, contain the word 
"TPROXY", but searching for "proxy" reveals the following relevant 
./configure options:

>   --enable-ipfw-transparent
>                           Enable Transparent Proxy support for systems using
>                           FreeBSD IPFW-style firewalling.
>   --enable-ipf-transparent
>                           Enable Transparent Proxy support using
>                           IPFilter-style firewalling
>   --enable-pf-transparent Enable Transparent Proxy support for systems using
>                           PF network address redirection.
>   --enable-linux-netfilter
>                           Enable Transparent Proxy support for Linux
>                           (Netfilter)

Pick the one matching your environment and check ./configure output for 
relevant lines, while keeping in mind that Squid still has a lot of text 
inconsistencies (e.g., "TPROXY" vs. "tproxy" vs. "Transparent Proxy" vs. 
"transparent proxying") that require relaxed searching rules. For example:

> FreeBSD IPFW-based transparent proxying enabled: no
> IPF-based transparent proxying requested: no
> PF-based transparent proxying requested: no
> IPF-based transparent proxying enabled: no

Searching squid.conf.documented for similar terms may be useful as well.



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