[squid-users] Squid 6.6 error clientProcessHit: Vary object loop!

Jonathan Lee jonathanlee571 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 05:43:33 UTC 2024

Thanks for the reply.

Proxy technology amazes me as I am a computer science student. I feel generation 2 proxy technology is key to stopping invasive containers within a cybersecurity perspective. Again to spot them you need to cache them and scan for fingerprints, thus my fascination with Squid. 

Thanks again 
Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 11, 2024, at 22:02, Amos Jeffries <squid3 at treenet.co.nz> wrote:
> On 12/07/24 06:43, Jonathan Lee wrote:
>> What is Vary Object loop??
> In HTTP URLs can point at a set or "variants" of a resource.
> Squid "Vary Object" is an entry in the cache that is used to represent these types of resource.
> When the URL-only is looked up, the "Vary Object" is found and tells Squid to perform a second lookup appending certain details to the hash key to find the actual object that client needs.
> A "Vary Object loop" is when this second lookup finds an object which is not the desired variant of that original URL.
> You can see this in your first message ...
> >> 10.07.2024 09:56:30    clientProcessHit: Vary object loop!
> >> 10.07.2024 09:56:30    varyEvaluateMatch: Oops. Not a Vary match on
> >> second attempt,
> Original request came in for "https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.foxnews.com"
> That URL had a cached "Vary Object" saying there were different responses to provide depending on the Accept-Encoding header:
> Squdi performed a second lookup for:
> >> 'origin="https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.foxnews.com", accept-encoding="gzip,%20deflate,%20br,%20zstd"'
> ... which found a cache entry for this URL:
> >> 'https://zagent20.h-cdn.com/cmd/get_thumb_info?customer=foxnews&ver=1.165.67&url=https%3A%2F%2F247preview.foxnews.com%2Fhls%2Flive%2F2020027%2Ffncv3preview%2Findex.m3u8'
> which is not the same URL.
>> Does that  mean clear my cache?
> No. But yes.
> A quick check of the URLs from your log message with the tool at <https://redbot.org/?uri=https://static.foxnews.com/static/orion/styles/css/fox-news/article-new.rs.css>
> We can see that:
> "
>    The resource doesn't send Vary consistently.
>    The ETag doesn't change between negotiated representations.
> "
> You can ignore these log messages.
> Or, you can configure Squid not to cache content from this server. If you do this, then clearing the cache would stop the log entries continuing.
>> Or is that something I am missing has anyone else seen this?
> That origin server is broken. So likely everyone is seeing the same problem with that website.
>> 11.07.2024 11:36:49    clientProcessHit: Vary object loop!
>> 11.07.2024 11:36:49    varyEvaluateMatch: Oops. Not a Vary match on second attempt, 'https://static.foxnews.com/static/orion/styles/css/fox-news/article-new.rs.css9; 'accept-encoding="gzip,%20deflate,%20br,%20zstd"'
>> 11.07.2024 11:36:49    clientProcessHit: Vary object loop!
>> 11.07.2024 11:36:49    varyEvaluateMatch: Oops. Not a Vary match on second attempt, 'https://static.foxnews.com/static/strike/ver/foxnews/loader.global.js' 'accept-encoding="gzip,%20deflate,%20br,%20zstd"'
>> 31.12.1969 16:00:00    
> <snip>
> Cheers
> Amos
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