[squid-users] Speed issues

Jonathan Lee jonathanlee571 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 7 21:13:02 UTC 2024

This change seems to help

http_upgrade_request_protocols websocket allow all 
accept_filter httpready
accept_filter dataready
collapsed_forwarding on
half_closed_clients off
pipeline_prefetch 6

also enabling UDP on port 3128 

and disabling pinger now that the system is set up and running…

> On Jul 3, 2024, at 08:28, Jonathan Lee <jonathanlee571 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have tips for getting the proxy to run faster when SSL intercept is enabled along side splice lists with dynamic cache and ClamAV running?
> I just seems to have slow traffic on the interception side. 
> Sent from my iPhone

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