[squid-users] [ext] no more cache_object:// URL in 6.3?

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Wed Sep 27 22:26:05 UTC 2023

On 2023-09-27 16:49, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
> * Ralf Hildebrandt <Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de>:
>> We're relying on
>> /usr/bin/squidclient -h -p 8080 cache_object://
>> for monitoring purposes and 6.3 reports an error when accessing that
>> resource:
>> 2023/09/27 22:42:57| ERROR: Squid BUG: assurance failed: tok.skip(WellKnownUrlPathPrefix())
>>      exception location: cache_manager.cc(193) ParseUrl
>>      current master transaction: master59170

That bug has been fixed in master/v7. For details, including confusing 
v6.3 status and a v6.3 patch, please see the beginning of 

> Found this
> - Bug 4572: squidclient: Remove deprecated cache_object:// support
> Ok, but this has been replaced by what?

Short answer: Use `squidclient ... mgr:counters`

Long answer: For a long time, squidclient has supported two cache 
manager protocols (or two URI schemes): Deprecated cache_object and 
regular http (with a well-known URL path prefix). It now relies on the 
latter exclusively.

The "mgr:foo" shorthand used to expand to cache_object://host/foo
It now expands to http://host/squid-internal-mgr/foo
You are welcome to use the latter explicitly if you prefer.



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