[squid-users] squid 5.9 Kerberos authentication problem

Ludovit Koren ludovit.koren at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 06:30:57 UTC 2023


I am using squid 5.9 with AD Kerberos authentication and could not solve
the problem of sending incorrect request according to client
configuration followed by the correct one, i.e.:

1695983264.808      0 x.y.z TCP_DENIED/407 4135 CONNECT th.bing.com:443 - HIER_NONE/- text/html
1695983264.834     21 x.y.z TCP_TUNNEL/200 6080 CONNECT th.bing.com:443 name at domain FIRSTUP_PARENT/squid-parent -

There are some web servers which are not working even when the correct
request follows afterwards.

Anyone experienced this behavior? Any specific settings of Windows

Thank you very much.



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