[squid-users] 6.x gives frequent connection to peer failed - spurious?

Stephen Borrill squid at borrill.org.uk
Fri Nov 10 10:46:09 UTC 2023

For reasons I won't go into, we are running two copies of squid. One 
(main squid) is client-facing and uses the other (peer squid) as the 
upstream cache_peer which is a non-caching fetcher.

Main squid is configured like this:

cache_peer parent 8123 0 no-query no-digest no-netdb-exchange 
default name=
cache_peer_access allow all

Peer squid is configured like this:

unique_hostname webfilter.squidnc
pid_filename /var/run/squidnc.pid
icp_port 0
snmp_port 0
no_cache deny all
cache_access_log none
cache_store_log none
cache_log /usr/local/squid/logs/nocache.log
cache_effective_user nobody
cache_effective_group wheel
logfile_rotate 0
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all
cache_mgr nocache
hosts_file none
cache_mem 10 MB
cache_dir ufs /usr/local/squid/nocache 10 1 1 no-store
always_direct allow all

With 6.x (currently 6.5) there are very frequent (every 10 seconds or 
so) messages like:
2023/11/10 10:25:43 kid1| ERROR: Connection to failed
     current master transaction: master3692

With 4.x there were no such messages.

By comparing to the peer squid logs, these seems to tally with DNS failures:
peer_select.cc(479) resolveSelected: PeerSelector1688 found all 0 
destinations for bugzilla.tucasi.com:443

Full ALL,2 log at the time of the reported connection failure:

2023/11/10 10:25:43.162 kid1| 5,2| TcpAcceptor.cc(214) doAccept: New 
connection on FD 17
2023/11/10 10:25:43.162 kid1| 5,2| TcpAcceptor.cc(316) acceptNext: 
connection on conn3 local= remote=[::] FD 17 flags=9
2023/11/10 10:25:43.162 kid1| 11,2| client_side.cc(1332) 
parseHttpRequest: HTTP Client conn13206 local= 
remote= FD 147 flags=1
2023/11/10 10:25:43.162 kid1| 11,2| client_side.cc(1336) 
parseHttpRequest: HTTP Client REQUEST:
2023/11/10 10:25:43.162 kid1| 85,2| client_side_request.cc(707) 
clientAccessCheckDone: The request CONNECT bugzilla.tucasi.com:443 is 
ALLOWED; last ACL checked: localhost
2023/11/10 10:25:43.162 kid1| 85,2| client_side_request.cc(683) 
clientAccessCheck2: No adapted_http_access configuration. default: ALLOW
2023/11/10 10:25:43.162 kid1| 85,2| client_side_request.cc(707) 
clientAccessCheckDone: The request CONNECT bugzilla.tucasi.com:443 is 
ALLOWED; last ACL checked: localhost
2023/11/10 10:25:43.162 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(460) resolveSelected: 
Find IP destination for: bugzilla.tucasi.com:443' via bugzilla.tucasi.com
2023/11/10 10:25:43.163 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(479) resolveSelected: 
PeerSelector1526 found all 0 destinations for bugzilla.tucasi.com:443
2023/11/10 10:25:43.163 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(480) resolveSelected: 
   always_direct = ALLOWED
2023/11/10 10:25:43.163 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(481) resolveSelected: 
    never_direct = DENIED
2023/11/10 10:25:43.163 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(482) resolveSelected: 
        timedout = 0
2023/11/10 10:25:43.163 kid1| 4,2| errorpage.cc(1397) buildBody: No 
existing error page language negotiated for ERR_DNS_FAIL. Using default 
error file.
2023/11/10 10:25:43.163 kid1| 33,2| client_side.cc(617) swanSong: 
conn13206 local= remote= flags=1

If my analysis is correct why is this logged as a connection failure and 
do I need to worry about it beyond it filing up the logs needlessly?

My concern is that this could lead to the parent being incorrectly 
declared DEAD thus impacting other traffic:

2023/11/09 08:55:22 kid1| Detected DEAD Parent:
     current master transaction: master4581234


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