[squid-users] Question regarding the release process

Athos Ribeiro athos.ribeiro at canonical.com
Fri Jan 27 14:35:24 UTC 2023

On Sun, Jan 22, 2023 at 02:55:54AM +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>On 21/01/2023 4:02 am, Athos Ribeiro wrote:
>>Hi! I am trying to understand how accurate the discussion in
>>is nowadays,
>That discussion was the latest on Squid numbering. There have been 
>modifications to release timing, but the numbering still follows that 
>>so I can understand the guides in
>>http://wiki.squid-cache.org/DeveloperResources/ReleaseProcess regarding
>>the release process.
>Feature changes should be proposed against the "master" branch in our 
>github. If/when accepted they become part of the next Squid-N release 
>series. Which are now on a 
>Point releases within a series should only contain documentation 
>corrections, bug and security vulnerability fixes. Exception may occur 
>at the release maintainers choice.
>>What I am interested in understanding is if there is a hard commitment
>>on the backwards compatibility between point releases since 4.x.
>>In other words, is there any commitment for no feature changes between
>>5.x and 5.(x+1)?
>Yes. Feature changes should only occur between Squid-(N).x and 
>Squid-(N+m).x with non-0 'm'.

It does. Thanks, Amos!


Athos Ribeiro

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