[squid-users] Different routes for domains in dstdomains list

Marcelo marcelorodrigo at graminsta.com.br
Wed Sep 21 03:22:39 UTC 2022



I am trying to implement a rule in squid.conf, but I cant find enough
examples on google to do it.



User try to access an URL THAT IS IN a dstdomain list so he will be routed
to route X

User try to access an URL THAT IS NOT IN the same dstdomain list so he will
be routed to route Y


All examples I can find is always denying or allowing access to the same
just one route.


It would be great if I could implement something like an IF argument in

Like, if url is in the dstdomain list do like this, if not do like that.


Any ideias?


Marcelo Rodrigo

+55 11 9 6854 -3878


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