[squid-users] Squid 5.7 + bump ERR_READ_ERROR|WITH_SERVER

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Wed Oct 12 22:16:52 UTC 2022

On 10/12/22 17:58, David Touzeau wrote:

> We have put it in debug mode :

Unfortunately, this log starts at GET request processing _after_ CONNECT 
request processing has already encountered and saved the error. Thus, I 
cannot tell you why that error was encountered. I need to see the lines 
before the lines you have shared. If you still have the log file, 
searching for AFC90000000000002632000003000000 (above the already shared 
lines) might help you find where the error message was created.



> you can see :
> "2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 4,3| Error.cc(22) update: recent: 
> As without ssl-bump, there is no issue.
> the full log can be downloaded here 
> http://articatech.net/tmpf/cache.log.txt*
> *
> }
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905084 from SBuf15905303
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 11,2| client_side.cc(1357) 
> parseHttpRequest: HTTP Client conn214046 local= 
> remote= FD 21 flags=1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 11,2| client_side.cc(1361) 
> parseHttpRequest: HTTP Client REQUEST:
> ---------
> GET /fw.ping.php?_=1665576594826 HTTP/1.1
> Host: categories.articatech.net
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:105.0) 
> Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0
> Accept: */*
> Accept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
> Referer: https://categories.articatech.net/index
> X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
> Connection: keep-alive
> Cookie: _ga=GA1.2.1172828951.1642984448; 
> PHPSESSID=28871210b5b031a7b034981e9704a4ac
> Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
> Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
> Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
> ----------
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 33,3| client_side.cc(1393) 
> parseHttpRequest: complete request received. prefix_sz = 542, 
> request-line-size=43, mime-header-size=499, mime header block:
> Host: categories.articatech.net
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:105.0) 
> Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0
> Accept: */*
> Accept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
> Referer: https://categories.articatech.net/index
> X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
> Connection: keep-alive
> Cookie: _ga=GA1.2.1172828951.1642984448; 
> PHPSESSID=28871210b5b031a7b034981e9704a4ac
> Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
> Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
> Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
> ----------
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 93,5| AsyncJob.cc(34) AsyncJob: AsyncJob 
> constructed, this=0x56260e3814b8 type=ClientHttpRequest [job199106]
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 1,5| CodeContext.cc(60) Entering: ALE w/o 
> master
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 87,3| clientStream.cc(140) 
> clientStreamInsertHead: clientStreamInsertHead: Inserted node 
> 0x56260e6d26f8 with data 0x56260e0fa280 after head
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 33,5| client_side.cc(1413) 
> parseHttpRequest: Prepare absolute URL from
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 25,5| Parser.cc(228) getHostHeaderField: 
> looking for Host
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(763) findFirstNotOf: first 
> not of characterset non-LF in id SBuf15905340
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,5| Tokenizer.cc(27) consume: consuming 
> 32 bytes
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,5| Tokenizer.cc(27) consume: consuming 
> 1 bytes
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 25,5| Parser.cc(249) getHostHeaderField: 
> checking Host: categories.articatech.net
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(763) findFirstNotOf: first 
> not of characterset WSP in id SBuf15905345
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,5| Tokenizer.cc(27) consume: consuming 
> 1 bytes
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905339 from SBuf15905345
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(763) findFirstNotOf: first 
> not of characterset host in id SBuf15905339
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(771) findFirstNotOf: not found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 25,5| Parser.cc(267) getHostHeaderField: 
> returning categories.articatech.net
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905347 from SBuf183
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 33,5| client_side.cc(1294) 
> prepareTlsSwitchingURL: TLS switching host rewrite: 
> https://categories.articatech.net/fw.ping.php?_=1665576594826
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 33,5| client_side.cc(1981) 
> clientParseRequests: conn214046 local= 
> remote= FD 21 flags=1: done parsing a request
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 5,4| AsyncCall.cc(30) AsyncCall: The 
> AsyncCall ConnStateData::lifetimeTimeout constructed, 
> this=0x56260e5afd50 [call1972958]
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 5,3| comm.cc(571) commSetConnTimeout: 
> conn214046 local= remote= FD 21 
> flags=1 timeout 86400
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(194) clean: cleaning 
> hdr: 0x56260e392c18 owner: 3
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(194) clean: cleaning 
> hdr: 0x56260e392c18 owner: 3
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 33,3| client_side.cc(1806) add: 
> 0x56260e0f9210*3 to 0/1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 33,3| Pipeline.cc(24) add: Pipeline 
> 0x56260e6cd470 add request 2 0x56260e0f9210*4
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905349
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 61 
> for SBuf15905349
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905349 
> new store capacity: 128
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(155) HttpHeader: 
> init-ing hdr: 0x56260e4038f8 owner: 2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(763) findFirstNotOf: first 
> not of characterset special in id SBuf15905363
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,5| Tokenizer.cc(27) consume: consuming 
> 5 bytes
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,5| Tokenizer.cc(27) consume: consuming 
> 1 bytes
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905367 from SBuf183
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,5| Tokenizer.cc(27) consume: consuming 
> 2 bytes
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 1 
> for SBuf15905371
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905371 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 23,3| Uri.cc(441) parse: Split URL 
> 'https://categories.articatech.net/fw.ping.php?_=1665576594826' into 
> proto='https', host='categories.articatech.net', port='443', 
> path='/fw.ping.php?_=1665576594826'
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905351 from SBuf15905361
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905353 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905353
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 28 
> for SBuf15905353
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905353 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 14,3| Address.cc(389) lookupHostIP: Given 
> Non-IP 'categories.articatech.net': Name or service not known
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905373
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 0 
> for SBuf15905373
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905373 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905352 from SBuf15905373
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905350 from SBuf15905305
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 1 
> for SBuf15905374
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905374 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(390) parse: parsing 
> hdr: (0x56260e4038f8)
> Host: categories.articatech.net
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:105.0) 
> Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0
> Accept: */*
> Accept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
> Referer: https://categories.articatech.net/index
> X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
> Connection: keep-alive
> Cookie: _ga=GA1.2.1172828951.1642984448; 
> PHPSESSID=28871210b5b031a7b034981e9704a4ac
> Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
> Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
> Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905375 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905375
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 4 
> for SBuf15905375
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905375 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905376 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905376
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 4 
> for SBuf15905376
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905376 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Host[30] at 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905377 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905377
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 10 
> for SBuf15905377
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905377 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905378 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905378
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 10 
> for SBuf15905378
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905378 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: User-Agent[67] at 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905379 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905379
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 6 
> for SBuf15905379
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905379 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905380 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905380
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 6 
> for SBuf15905380
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905380 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Accept[0] at 2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905381 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905381
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 15 
> for SBuf15905381
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905381 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905382 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905382
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 15 
> for SBuf15905382
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905382 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Accept-Language[3] at 3
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905383 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905383
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 15 
> for SBuf15905383
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905383 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905384 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905384
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 15 
> for SBuf15905384
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905384 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Accept-Encoding[2] at 4
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905385 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905385
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 7 
> for SBuf15905385
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905385 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905386 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905386
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 7 
> for SBuf15905386
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905386 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Referer[54] at 5
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905387
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 16 
> for SBuf15905387
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905387 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905388 from SBuf15905387
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Other:[87] at 6
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905389 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905389
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 10 
> for SBuf15905389
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905389 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905390 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905390
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 10 
> for SBuf15905390
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905390 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Connection[12] at 7
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905391 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905391
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 6 
> for SBuf15905391
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905391 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905392 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905392
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 6 
> for SBuf15905392
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905392 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Cookie[22] at 8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905393
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 14 
> for SBuf15905393
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905393 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905394 from SBuf15905393
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Other:[87] at 9
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905395
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 14 
> for SBuf15905395
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905395 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905396 from SBuf15905395
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Other:[87] at 10
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905397
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 14 
> for SBuf15905397
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905397 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905398 from SBuf15905397
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Other:[87] at 11
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905355
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 25 
> for SBuf15905355
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905355 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905354 from SBuf15905355
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 6 
> for SBuf15905355
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905355 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 33,5| Http1Server.cc(193) 
> buildHttpRequest: normalize 1 Host header using categories.articatech.net
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 1 
> for SBuf15905399
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905399 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905401 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905401
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 4 
> for SBuf15905401
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905401 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.475 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e4038f8 adding entry: Host[30] at 12
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905356 
> new store capacity: 16384
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 5 
> for SBuf15905356
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905356 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905356
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 1 
> for SBuf15905356
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905356 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905356
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 2 
> for SBuf15905356
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905356 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 25 
> for SBuf15905356
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905356 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 28 
> for SBuf15905356
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905356 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 33,3| client_side.cc(699) 
> clientSetKeepaliveFlag: http_ver = HTTP/1.1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 33,3| client_side.cc(700) 
> clientSetKeepaliveFlag: method = GET
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,6| HttpHeader.cc(850) getList: 
> 0x56260e4038f8: joined for id Connection[12]: 0x7ffc7248c400
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 33,4| client_side.cc(1510) quitAfterError: 
> Will close after error: conn214046 local= 
> remote= FD 21 flags=1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 33,5| client_side.cc(1531) 
> serveDelayedError: Responding with delated error for 
> https://categories.articatech.net/fw.ping.php?_=1665576594826
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 20,3| store.cc(443) lock: 
> clientReplyContext::setReplyToStoreEntry locked key 
> AFC90000000000002632000003000000 e:=sp2XIV/0x56260e1b8290*2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 
> 0x7ffc7248c000 checking fast rules
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(343) fastCheck: 
> aclCheckFast: list: 0x56260c88d7a8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(398) bannedAction: 
> Action 'ALLOWED/0' is not banned
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access#1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking Group2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| DomainData.cc(110) match: 
> aclMatchDomainList: checking 'categories.articatech.net'
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| DomainData.cc(115) match: 
> aclMatchDomainList: 'categories.articatech.net' NOT found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: Group2 
> = 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access#1 = 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(398) bannedAction: 
> Action 'DENIED/0' is not banned
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access#2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking all
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Ip.cc(538) match: aclIpMatchIp: 
> '' found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: all = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access#2 = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 
> 0x7ffc7248c000 answer DENIED for match
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,4| FilledChecklist.cc(67) 
> ~ACLFilledChecklist: ACLFilledChecklist destroyed 0x7ffc7248c000
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,4| Checklist.cc(197) ~ACLChecklist: 
> ACLChecklist::~ACLChecklist: destroyed 0x7ffc7248c000
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 
> 0x7ffc7248c000 checking fast rules
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(343) fastCheck: 
> aclCheckFast: list: 0x56260c8c46a8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(398) bannedAction: 
> Action 'ALLOWED/0' is not banned
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access#1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking Group2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| DomainData.cc(110) match: 
> aclMatchDomainList: checking 'categories.articatech.net'
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| DomainData.cc(115) match: 
> aclMatchDomainList: 'categories.articatech.net' NOT found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: Group2 
> = 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access#1 = 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(398) bannedAction: 
> Action 'DENIED/0' is not banned
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access#2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking all
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Ip.cc(538) match: aclIpMatchIp: 
> '' found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: all = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access#2 = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 
> 0x7ffc7248c000 answer DENIED for match
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,4| FilledChecklist.cc(67) 
> ~ACLFilledChecklist: ACLFilledChecklist destroyed 0x7ffc7248c000
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,4| Checklist.cc(197) ~ACLChecklist: 
> ACLChecklist::~ACLChecklist: destroyed 0x7ffc7248c000
> *2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 4,3| Error.cc(22) update: recent: 
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 33,5| Stream.cc(117) pullData: 0 written 0 
> into conn214046 local= remote= FD 21 
> flags=1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 33,5| Stream.cc(141) getNextRangeOffset: 
> range: 0; http offset 0; reply 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 87,3| clientStream.cc(180) 
> clientStreamRead: clientStreamRead: Calling 1 with cbdata 0x56260e0d2ba8 
> from node 0x56260e6d26f8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 90,3| store_client.cc(246) copy: 
> store_client::copy: AFC90000000000002632000003000000, from 0, for length 
> 4096, cb 1, cbdata 0x56260e0d1ad8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 20,3| store.cc(443) lock: 
> store_client::copy locked key AFC90000000000002632000003000000 
> e:=sp2XIV/0x56260e1b8290*3
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 90,3| store_client.cc(338) 
> storeClientCopy2: storeClientCopy2: AFC90000000000002632000003000000
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 33,5| store_client.cc(368) doCopy: 
> store_client::doCopy: co: 0, hi: 506665
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 90,3| store_client.cc(472) 
> scheduleMemRead: store_client::doCopy: Copying normal from memory
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 19,6| stmem.cc(230) copy: memCopy: 
> 0x56260db339f8 [0,4096)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 88,5| client_side_reply.cc(2213) 
> sendMoreData: conn214046 local= 
> remote= FD 21 flags=1 'categories.articatech.net:443' 
> out.offset=0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 88,5| client_side_reply.cc(2241) 
> sendMoreData: clientReplyContext::sendMoreData: 
> https://categories.articatech.net/fw.ping.php?_=1665576594826, 4096 
> bytes (4096 new bytes)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(155) HttpHeader: 
> init-ing hdr: 0x56260e392c18 owner: 3
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(243) append: appending 
> hdr: 0x56260e392c18 += 0x56260db7a728
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905409 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905409
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 6 
> for SBuf15905409
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905409 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e392c18 adding entry: Server[57] at 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905410 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905410
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 12 
> for SBuf15905410
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905410 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e392c18 adding entry: Mime-Version[43] at 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905411 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905411
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 4 
> for SBuf15905411
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905411 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e392c18 adding entry: Date[24] at 2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905412 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905412
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 12 
> for SBuf15905412
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905412 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e392c18 adding entry: Content-Type[21] at 3
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905413 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905413
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 14 
> for SBuf15905413
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905413 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e392c18 adding entry: Content-Length[17] at 4
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905414 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905414
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 13 
> for SBuf15905414
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905414 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e392c18 adding entry: X-Squid-Error[76] at 5
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(156) 
> httpHeaderParseOffset: offset 506470 parsed as 506470
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(156) 
> httpHeaderParseOffset: offset 506470 parsed as 506470
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905416 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905416
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 7 
> for SBuf15905416
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905416 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e392c18 adding entry: X-Cache[72] at 6
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 33,2| client_side_reply.cc(1585) 
> buildReplyHeader: clientBuildReplyHeader: Connection Keep-Alive not 
> requested by admin or client
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 16 
> for SBuf15905417
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905417 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 96 
> for SBuf15905417
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| MemBlob.cc(130) syncSize: 0 was: 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905417 
> new store capacity: 128
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(85) assign: assigning 
> SBuf15905418 from SBuf15905417
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 1 
> for SBuf15905418
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(167) rawSpace: SBuf15905418 
> not growing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905420 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905420
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 3 
> for SBuf15905420
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905420 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e392c18 adding entry: Via[69] at 7
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,6| SBuf.cc(99) assign: SBuf15905422 
> from c-string, n=4294967295)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(209) append: from c-string 
> to id SBuf15905422
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(160) rawSpace: reserving 10 
> for SBuf15905422
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 24,7| SBuf.cc(866) reAlloc: SBuf15905422 
> new store capacity: 40
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(786) addEntry: 
> 0x56260e392c18 adding entry: Connection[12] at 8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 
> 0x7ffc7248bb70 checking fast rules
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(343) fastCheck: 
> aclCheckFast: list: 0x56260c8adf68
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> http_header_access Server
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(398) bannedAction: 
> Action 'DENIED/0' is not banned
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> http_header_access Server#1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking all
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Ip.cc(538) match: aclIpMatchIp: 
> '' found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: all = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> http_header_access Server#1 = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> http_header_access Server = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 
> 0x7ffc7248bb70 answer DENIED for match
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(308) 
> httpHdrMangle: checklist denied, we have no replacement. Pass
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,4| FilledChecklist.cc(67) 
> ~ACLFilledChecklist: ACLFilledChecklist destroyed 0x7ffc7248bb70
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,4| Checklist.cc(197) ~ACLChecklist: 
> ACLChecklist::~ACLChecklist: destroyed 0x7ffc7248bb70
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(286) 
> httpHdrMangle: couldn't find mangler or access list. Allowing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(286) 
> httpHdrMangle: couldn't find mangler or access list. Allowing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(286) 
> httpHdrMangle: couldn't find mangler or access list. Allowing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(286) 
> httpHdrMangle: couldn't find mangler or access list. Allowing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(286) 
> httpHdrMangle: couldn't find mangler or access list. Allowing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(286) 
> httpHdrMangle: couldn't find mangler or access list. Allowing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(286) 
> httpHdrMangle: couldn't find mangler or access list. Allowing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 66,7| HttpHeaderTools.cc(286) 
> httpHdrMangle: couldn't find mangler or access list. Allowing
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(769) refreshMask: 
> refreshing the mask in hdr 0x56260e392c18
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 
> 0x7ffc7248bcb0 checking fast rules
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(343) fastCheck: 
> aclCheckFast: list: 0x56260c88d7a8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(398) bannedAction: 
> Action 'ALLOWED/0' is not banned
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access#1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking Group2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| DomainData.cc(110) match: 
> aclMatchDomainList: checking 'categories.articatech.net'
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| DomainData.cc(115) match: 
> aclMatchDomainList: 'categories.articatech.net' NOT found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: Group2 
> = 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access#1 = 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(398) bannedAction: 
> Action 'DENIED/0' is not banned
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access#2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking all
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Ip.cc(538) match: aclIpMatchIp: 
> '' found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: all = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access#2 = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 
> 0x7ffc7248bcb0 answer DENIED for match
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,4| FilledChecklist.cc(67) 
> ~ACLFilledChecklist: ACLFilledChecklist destroyed 0x7ffc7248bcb0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,4| Checklist.cc(197) ~ACLChecklist: 
> ACLChecklist::~ACLChecklist: destroyed 0x7ffc7248bcb0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 
> 0x7ffc7248bcb0 checking fast rules
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(343) fastCheck: 
> aclCheckFast: list: 0x56260c8c46a8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(398) bannedAction: 
> Action 'ALLOWED/0' is not banned
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access#1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking Group2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| DomainData.cc(110) match: 
> aclMatchDomainList: checking 'categories.articatech.net'
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| DomainData.cc(115) match: 
> aclMatchDomainList: 'categories.articatech.net' NOT found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: Group2 
> = 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access#1 = 0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Checklist.cc(398) bannedAction: 
> Action 'DENIED/0' is not banned
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> delay_access#2
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking all
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Ip.cc(538) match: aclIpMatchIp: 
> '' found
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: all = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access#2 = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> delay_access = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 
> 0x7ffc7248bcb0 answer DENIED for match
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.476 kid3| 28,4| FilledChecklist.cc(67) 
> ~ACLFilledChecklist: ACLFilledChecklist destroyed 0x7ffc7248bcb0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 28,4| Checklist.cc(197) ~ACLChecklist: 
> ACLChecklist::~ACLChecklist: destroyed 0x7ffc7248bcb0
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 
> 0x7ffc7248bc10 checking fast ACLs
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> reply_body_max_size -1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 28,5| Acl.cc(124) matches: checking 
> (reply_body_max_size -1 line)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> (reply_body_max_size -1 line) = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: 
> reply_body_max_size -1 = 1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 
> 0x7ffc7248bc10 answer ALLOWED for match
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 58,4| HttpReply.cc(564) calcMaxBodySize: 
> bodySizeMax=-1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 28,4| FilledChecklist.cc(67) 
> ~ACLFilledChecklist: ACLFilledChecklist destroyed 0x7ffc7248bc10
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 28,4| Checklist.cc(197) ~ACLChecklist: 
> ACLChecklist::~ACLChecklist: destroyed 0x7ffc7248bc10
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 58,7| HttpReply.cc(528) 
> expectedBodyTooLarge: bodySizeMax=-1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 88,2| client_side_reply.cc(2090) 
> processReplyAccessResult: The reply for GET 
> https://categories.articatech.net/fw.ping.php?_=1665576594826 is 
> ALLOWED, because it matched (reply_body_max_size -1 line)
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 20,3| store.cc(443) lock: 
> ClientHttpRequest::loggingEntry locked key 
> AFC90000000000002632000003000000 e:=sp2XIV/0x56260e1b8290*4
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 88,3| client_side_reply.cc(2128) 
> processReplyAccessResult: clientReplyContext::sendMoreData: Appending 
> 3901 bytes after 195 bytes of headers
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 87,3| clientStream.cc(158) 
> clientStreamCallback: clientStreamCallback: Calling 1 with cbdata 
> 0x56260e0fa280 from node 0x56260e5c0ab8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 33,3| Pipeline.cc(35) front: Pipeline 
> 0x56260e6cd470 front 0x56260e0f9210*4
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 33,3| Pipeline.cc(35) front: Pipeline 
> 0x56260e6cd470 front 0x56260e0f9210*4
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 55,7| HttpHeader.cc(589) packInto: 
> 0x56260e392c18 into 0x56260e26ebe8
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 11,2| Stream.cc(279) sendStartOfMessage: 
> HTTP Client conn214046 local= 
> remote= FD 21 flags=1
> 2022/10/12 22:29:49.477 kid3| 11,2| Stream.cc(280) sendStartOfMessage: 
> HTTP Client REPLY:
> ---------
> HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 20:29:49 GMT
> Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: 506470
> X-Squid-Error: ERR_READ_ERROR 0
> X-Cache: MISS from proxy-190.articatech.int
> Via: 1.1 789aaa51-a1eb-eb48-639b-000070877aed (squid)
> Connection: close
> Le 12/10/2022 à 20:00, Alex Rousskov a écrit :
>> On 10/12/22 12:45, David Touzeau wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> We using squid 5.7 after adding ssl-bump we have sometimes several 
>>> 502 error  with extended error ERR_READ_ERROR|WITH_SERVER
>>> 1665589818.831     11 NONE_NONE/502 192616 OPTIONS 
>>> https://www2.deepl.com/jsonrpc?method=LMT_split_text - HIER_NONE/-:- 
>>> text/html mac="68:54:5a:94:e7:56" - exterr="ERR_READ_ERROR|WITH_SERVER"
>>> 1665589839.288     11 NONE_NONE/502 506759 POST 
>>> https://pollserver.lastpass.com/poll_server.php - HIER_NONE/-:- 
>>> text/html mac="68:54:5a:94:e7:56" - exterr="ERR_READ_ERROR|WITH_SERVER"
>>> 1665589719.879     44 NONE_NONE/502 506954 GET 
>>> https://contile.services.mozilla.com/v1/tiles - HIER_NONE/-:- 
>>> text/html mac="68:54:5a:94:e7:56" - exterr="ERR_READ_ERROR|WITH_SERVER"
>>> What does it means.
>> 502 with ERR_READ_ERROR|WITH_SERVER may mean several things 
>> (unfortunately). Given HIER_NONE, I would suspect that Squid could not 
>> find a valid destination for the request. There is a similar recent 
>> squid-users thread at 
>> http://lists.squid-cache.org/pipermail/squid-users/2022-October/025289.html 
>>> how can we fix it ?
>> The first step is to identify what causes these errors.
>> Can you reproduce this problem at will? Perhaps by trying going to 
>> https://dnslabeldoesnotexist.com mentioned at the above thread? If you 
>> can, consider sharing (a pointer to) a compressed debugging cache.log 
>> from a test box that does not expose any internal secrets, as detailed 
>> at 
>> https://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/BugReporting#Debugging_a_single_transaction 
>> HTH,
>> Alex.
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>> squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
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