[squid-users] MS-SQL with squid helpers

ngtech1ltd at gmail.com ngtech1ltd at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 11:27:06 UTC 2022

Hey Everybody,
I was wondering if someone wrote a set of helpers that works with MS-SQL server database?
I have a very big MSSQL Database that contains a set of domains and urls and I have a program that runs queries against this DB.
If no one wrote such helpers I can manage to write a set of helpers at-least on ruby and GoLang and maybe couple other languages.
I can recommend a nice basic video about MS-SQL that I have seen lately:
Very basic but very nice if you already have some SQL and programming fundamentals.

Eliezer Croitoru
NgTech, Tech Support
Mobile: +972-5-28704261
Email:  <mailto:ngtech1ltd at gmail.com> ngtech1ltd at gmail.com
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