[squid-users] How to prevent Squid to use more and more HD space in virtualbox

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Sat Nov 20 18:02:53 UTC 2021

On 19.11.21 16:45, Graminsta wrote:
>Thanks so much for the answers to my queries about squid.
>I have a problem with the continuous increase in disk space usage on linux
>where squid is hosted. Even having turned off the cache ("#cache_dir ufs
>/var/spool/squid/ 1000 16 256").
>I have to keep recreating virtualbox instances and deleting the old ones
>VMs starts at 7gb and in a few weeks grows to 10...20...30Gb.
>Why does Squid need so much growing hard drive space and how to prevent it?

have you checked which files/directories use most of space?

du -kax / |sort -nr|head

repeat for every on-disk filesystem (e.g. if you have separate /var)

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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