[squid-users] manual proxy configuration ...

Albretch Mueller lbrtchx at gmail.com
Fri May 28 22:14:24 UTC 2021

 As I expect and suspected my exposed box had been compromised. I used
a knoppix DVD they can't write to/effing alter  it for physical
reasons. Their efforts would be futile, senseless.

 If I get the time I will write up a nicer document, but since I do
believe in karma I want to help other people running into the same

// __ download squid and check the md5 and sha1 hashsums

 Stable Versions (right now):

// __ untar and gunzip the sources

// __ compilation of sources based on


_PRFX="<wherever you want to install squid on a permanent drive>"

_VER="squid-4.15" # used as prefix for log files

cd "${_VER}"

_DT=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
echo "// __ \$_LOG_FL: |${_LOG_FL}|"

./configure --prefix="${_PRFX}" \
            --localstatedir="${_PRFX}/var" \
            --libexecdir="${prefix}/lib/squid3" \
            --datadir="${prefix}/share/squid3" \
            --sysconfdir="${_PRFX}/etc/squid3" \
            --with-default-user=proxy \
            --with-logdir="${_PRFX}/var/log/squid3" \
            --with-pidfile="${_PRFX}/var/run/squid3.pid" >>  "${_LOG_FL}" 2>&1
) 2>> "${_LOG_FL}"
echo "~" >> "${_LOG_FL}"

// __ running: make

_DT=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
echo "// __ \$_LOG_FL: |${_LOG_FL}|"

echo "// __ make -j1:" >> "${_LOG_FL}"
echo " " >> "${_LOG_FL}"
time(make -j1 >> "${_LOG_FL}" 2>&1) 2>> "${_LOG_FL}"
echo "~" >> "${_LOG_FL}"

tail -n 10 "${_LOG_FL}"

// __ running: sudo make install

_DT=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
echo "// __ \$_LOG_FL: |${_LOG_FL}|"

echo "// __ make install:" >> "${_LOG_FL}"
echo " " >> "${_LOG_FL}"
time(sudo make install >> "${_LOG_FL}" 2>&1) 2>> "${_LOG_FL}"
echo "~" >> "${_LOG_FL}"

tail -n 10 "${_LOG_FL}"
// __ reaching out to your install base


which squid

squid --version

$ which squid

$ squid --version
Squid Cache: Version 4.15
Service Name: squid
configure options:  '--prefix=/media/knoppix/squid3/4.15'
'--libexecdir=/lib/squid3' '--datadir=/share/squid3'

$ sudo squid


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