[squid-users] squid ftp list files problem

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Thu Mar 25 12:01:19 UTC 2021

On Thursday 25 March 2021 at 12:53:09, maurizio wrote:

> Hello
> I have a squid 4.14 version installed recently. I have a problem when we use
> that like ftp proxy(via port 21): when a client use that and try to use the
> ftp command ls(list) in a directory with a lot files (in my test 250 files)
> the list command freezing(list partial list files).

Is this passive or active FTP?

> I have tried with a very old proxy ftp(frox) and the list command doesn't
> free, it's return the list correctly.
> Please, is it a bug or misconfiguration?

1. We don't know whether it's a misconfiguration until you show us your 

2. What is displayed in Squid's log files at the time this occurs?


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