[squid-users] Newbie question, How to fully disable/disallow https?

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Tue Jun 22 19:41:22 UTC 2021

On Tuesday 22 June 2021 at 21:32:10, Arctic5824 wrote:

> Hello, Recently I setup my first squid proxy,
> I want it when users try to acces a website via https, they get redirected
> to the http version

1. What makes you believe that sites *have* an HTTP version?

2. What do you think should happen when sites *do* have an HTTP version, and 
that consists solely of a 301 Permanent Redirect to the HTTPS version, which 
contains the content?

(In other words, the actual web server is never going to provide the content 
you want to see if you only speak HTTP to it.)


The words "e pluribus unum" on the Great Seal of the United States are from a 
poem by Virgil entitled "Moretum", which is about cheese and garlic salad 

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