[squid-users] Sharing info from eCAP adapter with other adapters

squid3 at treenet.co.nz squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Jul 15 04:38:25 UTC 2021

On 2021-07-15 09:11, Moti Berger wrote:
> Meaning, it indeed added the X-My-Header as ICAP header for the
> benefit of the ICAP server on the chain but it seems the value is just
> a dot.
> What am I doing wrong?

This is best asked via the libecap help channels (see below).

> BTW, I'm struggling to find a decent eCAP interface documentation.

AFAICT, That is still apparently an item on the libecap official TODO 

For now the best documentation I am aware of is Alex responses in the 
Launchpad Answers (<https://answers.launchpad.net/ecap>) and FAQ 

The clearest (huh!) I've been able to find is at 

> Can
> you please help me understand what is the difference between 'option'
> and 'visitEachOption' methods?

To quote Alex from the LP Answers discussion:
  "One is of requesting a single known option (i.e., meta header). The 
other is for iterating all options".


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