[squid-users] PCI Certification compliance lists

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sun Jan 3 15:04:29 UTC 2021

On 4/01/21 3:12 am, ngtech1ltd wrote:
> I am looking for domains lists that can be used for squid to be PCI
> Certified.
> I have read this article:
> https://www.imperva.com/learn/data-security/pci-dss-certification/
> And couple others to try and understand what might a Squid proxy ssl-bump
> exception rules should contain.
> So technically we need:
> - Banks
> - Health care
> - Credit Cards(Visa, Mastercard, others)
> - Payments sites
> - Antivirus(updates and portals)
> - OS and software Updates signatures(ASC, MD5, SHAx etc..)
> * https://support.kaspersky.com/common/start/6105
> *
> https://support.eset.com/en/kb332-ports-and-addresses-required-to-use-your-e
> set-product-with-a-third-party-firewall
> *
> https://service.mcafee.com/webcenter/portal/oracle/webcenter/page/scopedMD/s
> 55728c97_466d_4ddb_952d_05484ea932c6/Page29.jspx?wc.contextURL=%2Fspaces%2Fc
> p&articleId=TS100291&_afrLoop=641093247174514&leftWidth=0%25&showFooter=fals
> e&showHeader=false&rightWidth=0%25&centerWidth=100%25#!%40%40%3FshowFooter%3
> Dfalse%26_afrLoop%3D641093247174514%26articleId%3DTS100291%26leftWidth%3D0%2
> 525%26showHeader%3Dfalse%26wc.contextURL%3D%252Fspaces%252Fcp%26rightWidth%3
> D0%2525%26centerWidth%3D100%2525%26_adf.ctrl-state%3D3wmxkd4vc_9
> If someone has the documents which instructs what domains to not inspect it
> would also help a lot.

Are you trying to get Squid certified as a PCI WAF agent?
  or as security infrastructure agent?
  or as general networking agent?

These roles matter in regards to the PCI requirement to detect malicious 


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