[squid-users] Squid v4.45

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Aug 20 02:36:47 UTC 2021

FYI, there is no such version as Squid 4.45.

What is the output when you run "squid -v" ?

On 19/08/21 4:12 am, Periko Support wrote:
> Hello guys.
> I have been searching the issue I have with windows 10 and the ugly
> job he do to put the NIC "Internet access" and went we have squid
> behind "no internet".

The NIC status simply says that *somehow* the Internet is available. 
that means DNS resolution, TCP connectivity, HTTP transactions and HTTPS 
transactions are all fully working and producing responses.

Break any one and you will get "no internet". Even when the rest 
continue working fine. So it can tell you when some sort of failure 
occurs, but is not reliable when it claims success.

Please be aware that using your Squid proxy properly is one way Windows 
can receive all those services and claim "Internet Access".

> I have sniff logs and  I just found this sites went I turn on the computer:
> .msftconnecttest.com
> .windows.com
> Some has win over this annoying thing with windows 10?
> No-Trans[parent Proxy WPAD.

Check that your firewall does not permit HTTP(S) connections directly 
from clients to the Internet.

  * your network gateway firewall(s) block direct connections (other 
than from Squid) to HTTP(S), and
  * your proxy logs show those Win10 connection URLs happening, and
  * Win10 NIC says "Interent Access"

Then you know that the proxy usage is how "Internet Access" happens, 
that is what you want so no problem.


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