[squid-users] Is there an option to completely disable IPV4 outgoing address for Squid

Ahmad Alzaeem 0xff1f at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 13:47:47 UTC 2020

Say we want to have Testing IPV4-IPV6 access for An ISP .
We want to access squid over IPV4 , 
DNS server ip on squid is

But we want dns queries only solved with IPV6 address so that squid don’t pickup any ipv4 destination for website .

I tried dns_v4_1st directive to be off but I had like 98 % of results with IPV6 but still like 2 % results as IPV4 .
So as an example , if I say Facebook is IPV4/IPV6 .
I was able to get 98 % destination of FB as IPV6 , but very low results on IPV4 ip addresses .

Is there an option for squid to use IPV6 for outgoing and always skip IPV4 of websites resolving address ?


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