[squid-users] NgTech REPO is up for now.

NgTech LTD ngtech1ltd at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 19:06:25 UTC 2020


The ngtech repo is up and running.
I cannot guarantee that network bursts will not interrupt the service
from time to time.

However The repo now is at:

There is no HTTPS at all on this service so.. if the browser forces
you to use HTTPS I recommend curl or wget.
If someone need a copy of the repo for CentOS it can be found at:

The new release includes the fedora 33 RPMs' for Squid 4.13.
I will try to release an ansible for example usage in case someone
will want to install squid on Debian.
Maybe later I will add a CentOS/RHEL/Fedora playbooks.


* Maybe I will add a story in the next release.

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