[squid-users] Questions regarding "store-id" made by helper and log system

Thomas PALFRAY tpal at numen.mg
Fri Dec 11 06:42:13 UTC 2020

Hi everyone !

I'm trying to use a helper to make custom < store-id > for some requests.
The idea is to increase HIT on theses request types.

Here is some example of my helper input/output :


OK store-id=http://myproject-prod.myhost.com:8080/current/cmis/browser/myproject_prod/root?cmisselector=content&objectId=146662&streamId=207698&succinct=true


OK store-id=http://myproject-prod.myhost.com:8080/current/cmis/browser/myproject_prod/root?cmisselector=content&objectId=146662&streamId=207698&succinct=true

I update the squid.conf like this :
store_id_program /usr/local/bin/urlSort2
store_id_children 25 startup=15 idle=5 concurrency=0

And restart the service.

I see urlSort2 in ram using ps so i guess it's called by squid and returning modified store-id :
[root at xxx ~]# ps -eaf | grep urlSort2
squid     15788  15749  0 08:58 ?        00:00:00 (urlSort2)

When i look into access.log and store.log, i see this :

Access.log :
1607599918.911   1245 TCP_MISS/200 128832 GET http://myproject-prod.myhost.com:8080/current/cmis/browser/myproject_prod/root?succinct=true&streamId=207698&nvltToken=27348686-4a4e-4d1e-b3b4-62a7243f5207&publicCache=1296000&cmisselector=content&objectId=146662 user HIER_DIRECT/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx image/jpeg

Store.log :
1607666419.148 SWAPOUT 00 00000543 791B7B07B8004584E9432DA2444EED74  200 1607666417        -1 1608962417 image/jpeg 97165/97165 GET http://myproject-prod.myhost.com:8080/current/cmis/browser/myproject_prod/root?succinct=true&streamId=194324&nvltToken=72f33f50-f267-4025-a373-7b1a00cfe500&publicCache=1296000&cmisselector=content&objectId=129520

When i call the first request of my example of output help, then the second, i get a MISS.
I suppose that there's not using the same store-id.

So i have two questions :

  1.  Is the log system of squid display (or can display) store-id, or only url request ? I didn't found information about this on the documentation.
  2.  Why i get only MISS, and how be sure that the helper is correctly use ?



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