[squid-users] replacement for obsoleted cache controls (ign-no-cache; ign-must-reval. + ign-auth)

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Dec 10 06:07:24 UTC 2020

On 9/12/20 11:14 am, L A Walsh wrote:
> On 2020/12/06 12:14, Alex Rousskov wrote:
>> On 12/6/20 10:12 AM, L A Walsh wrote:
>>> Since the early 4.x series and now, the cache control headers:

FTR: Since Squid-3.2

>>> ignore-no-cache
>>> ignore-must-revalidate
>>> ignore-auth
> ...
>      Thanks for the followup.  One of the main things I try to use
> my proxy for is to cache semi-static content like fonts and scripts to 
> minimize or eliminate requests for the same resources but from different
> sites so owners of those resources may not be as easily able to track a
> user as they move across the web.

In HTTP/1.1 and later the server is explicitly passed headers from the 
clients request to check whether the cached entry can be used. So 
forcing caching will not help with your requirement. Caching is purely a 
bandwidth saving and (usually) performance improving measure.

For tracking prevention you need to filter out the details (eg headers) 
which servers use for that tracking and fingerprinting.


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