[squid-users] FTP proxy

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Sun Dec 6 16:01:24 UTC 2020

On Sunday 06 December 2020 at 16:56:10, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

> On 12/6/20 4:44 PM, Antony Stone wrote:
> > Where is the firewall, compared to your Squid proxy, in the network?
> Squid runs on the firewall itself.
> > I'm just wondering how you plan to use Squid's native FTP mode to bypass
> > a firewall, which is therefore presumably blocking FTP...?
> It's not blocking FTP for itself, but it's blocking FTP to internal
> clients.

Oh, so you're in charge of both?

That would make sense, then - otherwise I was wondering how a client would get 
FTP out to the Internet via Squid if they weren't allowed to through the 



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