[squid-users] After enabling IPv6 squid no longer responds

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Mon Nov 25 22:52:34 UTC 2019

On 11/25/19 1:53 PM, James Moe wrote:

>>>   There is nothing in the access.log; the request is utterly ignored.

>> FYI: "utterly ignored" seems to contradict "error message from squid"
>> above. 

>   I know. Confusing.

My remark was meant as a hint that something in your description needs
adjustment: "error message from squid" is mutually exclusive with "the
request is utterly ignored". Going forward, I will assume that the
request was not ignored; I will assume that Squid received the request
and responded with an error message (after a timeout).

Do you see Squid making DNS queries when handling the problematic

Can you reproduce the problem using a single transaction on an otherwise
idle Squid?

> I have narrowed the problem space. The issue occurs only with https:, and not
> always. Most sites timeout, others (partially) load after a delay of 5 - 20 seconds.
> The delay never occurs for non-secure traffic.

After the timeout and client-to-Squid connection closure, is there a
corresponding CONNECT record in access.log?

And just to double check, the error message from Squid is in response to
a CONNECT request, right? I see no SslBump rules in your configuration
so this must be a simple case of trying to establish a TCP tunnel with
the address specified by the CONNECT request.


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