[squid-users] squid in container aborted on low memory server

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Mon Mar 4 18:25:38 UTC 2019

>On 3/3/19 9:39 PM, George Xie wrote:
>> Squid version: 3.5.23-5+deb9u1

debian 9, currently stable, soon to be replaced by debian 10, containing

>>     http_port
>>     cache deny all
>>     access_log none

On 04.03.19 09:34, Alex Rousskov wrote:
>Unfortunately, this configuration wastes RAM: Squid is not yet smart
>enough to understand that you do not want any caching and may allocate
>256+ MB of memory cache plus supporting indexes. To correct that default
>behavior, add this:
>      cache_mem 0

this should help most.

>Furthermore, older Squids, possibly including your no-longer-supported

its supported, just not by squid developers. There are many SW distributions
that try to support software for longer than just a few weeks/months, e.g
during whole few-year release cycle.

>might explain why you see your Squid allocating a 392 MB table.
>If you want to know what is going on for sure, then configure malloc to
>dump core on allocation failures and post a stack trace leading to that
>allocation failure so that we know _what_ Squid was trying to allocate
>when it ran out of RAM.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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