[squid-users] Squid and url modifying

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Sat Mar 2 22:21:05 UTC 2019

On 3/1/19 5:59 AM, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:

> Is it possible for Squid to do something like :

> - Receive request : https://oooeeee.eeee.ttt.thesquidserver.org/u?ii=99&j=88

> and

> to really perform a request as : https://oooeeee.eeee.ttt/u?ii=99&j=88

How does your Squid receive the former request? Amos' answer probably
assumes that your Squid is _not_ oooeeee.eeee.ttt.thesquidserver.org,
but the name you have chosen for your example may imply that it is.

* If your Squid is _intercepting_ traffic destined for the real
oooeeee.eeee.ttt.thesquidserver.org, then see Amos' answer.

* If your Squid is representing oooeeee.eeee.ttt.thesquidserver.org,
then your Squid is a reverse proxy that ought to have the certificate
key for that domain, and none of the SslBump problems that Amos
mentioned apply.

Please clarify what your use case is.


> I mean not to redirect users with url redirection. Just act as a proxy
> but having Squid the proper acknoledge internally for being able to make
> the proper request to the destination?. Is it possible without
> redirecting url, to return for instance a 403 error to the source web
> browser in order to not be able to access to the site if some kind of
> circumstances are given?.
> If the last config, was not possible... perhaps I needed to just to
> redirect forcibly?. I have read for that purpose you can use URL
> redirectors.... so I assume the concept is :
> - Receive request : https://oooeeee.eeee.ttt.thesquidserver.org/u?ii=99&j=88
> and
> to really perform a request as : https://oooeeee.eeee.ttt/u?ii=99&j=88
> <https://oooeeee.eeee.ttt.thesquidserver.org/u?ii=99&j=88>
> If all conditions for allowing to see the content are OK, return the web
> browser a 301 redirect answer with the
> https://oooeeee.eeee.ttt/u?ii=99&j=88
> <https://oooeeee.eeee.ttt.thesquidserver.org/u?ii=99&j=88> URL. Else,
> just return a 403 or redirect you to a Forbidden page... I think this
> could be implemented with URL redirectors...but... the fact is... which
> kind of conditions or env situations can you use for validating the
> content inside the url redirector?.
> Thanks a lot for your time :)
> Cheers!
> -- 
> sarenet
> *Egoitz Aurrekoetxea*
> Dpto. de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> egoitz at sarenet.es <mailto:egoitz at sarenet.es>
> www.sarenet.es <http://www.sarenet.es>
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.
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