[squid-users] HELP! Ssl_bump - acl , dstdomain , denied by fqdn need ip

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Jan 25 15:10:30 UTC 2019

On 25/01/19 9:15 pm, Александр Александрович Березин wrote:
> Please HELP!
> Hello dear members of the community
> excuse me for disturbing me, but I could not find an answer to the
> question, so I speak to you, sorry again
> i have
> in /etc/squid.conf
> .......
> acl test dstdomain partner.steam-api.com
> acl step1 at_step SslBump1
> acl step2 at_step SslBump2
> acl step3 at_step SslBump3
> ssl_bump peek step1 all

NP: That 'all' has no purpose here.

> ssl_bump splice test

The ssl_bump rules when checked for intercepted traffic are run *before*
anything gets decrypted. Thus there is no HTTP(S) request to get a URL
from, so no URL domain (dstdomain).

Use ssl::server_name ACL type instead. It can match TLS SNI domain (if
any) retrieved by the step1 peek action.

> ssl_bump bump
> http_port intercept
> https_port intercept ssl-bump
> options=ALL:NO_SSLv3:NO_SSLv2 connection-auth=off
> cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/squidCA.pem
> when I am trying to access the site from a browser from a local network
> partner.steam-api.com
> access.log
> [Fri Jan 25 06:50:10 2019].514      0 TCP_DENIED/200 0

Traffic arriving is immediately being denied access into the proxy. The
other log entries and errors are resulting from that fact.

> but the address at the end partner.steam-api.com  can be dynamic and
> constantly changing, so I need a connection by name
> tell me what is my mistake?

Two mistakes. First is the dstdomain vs ssl::server_name ACL types
mentioned above.

Second mistake is http_access rules deny'ing CONNECT messages generated
by Squid to represent the TCP SYN packet for SSL-Bump step1. At that
point all Squid has access to is the raw-IP:port details. SNI where the
server name is received requires the initial CONNECT to be allowed into
the proxy before the TLS inspection can begin.


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