[squid-users] ICAP and 403 Encapsulated answers (SSL denied domains)

FredB numsys at free.fr
Tue Jan 22 08:22:58 UTC 2019

Hello Alex

>> But unfortunately Squid adds a "Connection: keep-alive" header
> It is not clear _why_ you consider that header "unfortunate" and the
> connection "wasted". That header may or may not be wrong, and the
> connection may or may not be reusable, depending on many factors (that
> you have not shared).
Your are right, it's not clear for me too, the only thing I'm seeing 
it's that a keep-alive is not present in my answer from ICAP but well 
added in header to client, after that if there is a refresh the browser 
waits for the page a long time

But perhaps this is not related to my issue

> work. Otherwise, a packet capture (in pcap format) is probably the
> easiest sharing method.

Here a short tcpdump trace 

   1 - I'm surfing to the website https://www.toto.fr

   2 - I receive a 403 (blank page)

   3 - I refresh the page, and I wait a long time before timeout

A real issue is filtering ADS, surf to www.aaa.com and block www.bbb.com 
(ads), there are multiple links to bbb in aaa, in this case www.aaa.com 
never appears completely (or after a long time) the browser freeze and 
still waiting bbb  (the name appears in bottom: waiting for bbb)

> Yes, by ICAP design, an ICAP service does not have direct control over
> HTTP connections maintained by the host application (e.g., Squid).

Yes it's what I saw and read in the rfc

Thank you


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