[squid-users] Proxing only special file types

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Feb 7 08:24:47 UTC 2019

On 7/02/19 6:28 pm, alexmaystat wrote:
> I mean:
> Do you think that it is possible to implement the ECAP module with the
> injecting code into content adaptation, after check and verify in ECAP that
> content-type is js code (text/javascript)?

That is possible.

But consider this:
 It is also *possible* to take a running jump off a cliff. Sometimes one
will even survive. Does not make it a good idea.

More specifically I caution you to consider also the social and legal
consequences of altering other peoples content without their permission.

In most countries content adaptation is actually illegal and the content
providers have a right to sue for compensation of damages. The legal
situation ranges from copyright violation to fraud.

With in-transit adaptation you are:
 a) using other peoples content (piracy, theft), and
 b) without copyright permission to do so (copyright violation, theft
and digital piracy), and
 c) presenting the result as if it were by the original author
(misrepresentation, aka fraud).

Several relatively large companies were sued out of existence, and
others suffered massive reputation damage last decade by getting content
adaptation wrong. So please see a qualified lawyer before you go any
further with this idea.

PS. Most times this question of injecting javascript has come up there
were other far better and absolutely legal ways to achieve the desired
end that did not involve JS injection attacks against the clients. If
you care to explain the purpose of this JS perhapse we can help guide
you towards better ways to do the task.


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